I jerk off with guys in chat all the time (i am right now

), but Ive only ever done it twice for 'real'.
When I was 17, I was staying at a mates place for the night, and we were sleeping in their caravan. They had it hooked up to power, so we had a tv and video in there, and my mate had 'borrowed' some videos from his dads closet. I cant remember what they were, and it want hardcore. Just random guys and girls fucking, no real penetration shots or anything, but you know what its like when youre 17.
We both got hard, and we both tried to hide it, but gave up in the end and just admitted that we were both hard as fuck. He was kinda holding his crotch through his pants and rubbing etc and after a while I was doing the same.
So we were chatting about how she had nice tits and the other one was cute etc and I noticed his hand had gone inside his pants. I kind of figured it would be rude to not to do the same myself lol.
So we are sitting there, still chatting, hands down our pants, and kind of dancing around the subject that we were both jerking off inside our pants and having a great time. This went on for about 10 minutes when he simply asks if i need a tissue or something, takes a few for himself and hands me the box. I grabbed a handfull, stuffed them in my pants, gave a few strokes and blew, and I guess he did the same.
Nothing was said, we still never said we were jerking off or anything, but it was fucking good fun.