SAVANNAH wrote:Oh man! Where do I begin? To put it bluntly I must say that I, for one, think your assumptions about genital size versus sexual performance and female anatomy leave a great deal to be desired.
1st. All featured performers in legitimate and XXX movies have the looks and equipment seldom encountered amdist all of us in the vast unwashed masses, so to speak. Who would pay to see flicks with average looking guys and girls that have average boobs and cocks anyway?
I would. And I do. My favorite porn actresses do not have big breasts. While I did go through a stage where I thought bigger was better, I matured. I like real people and "average" is just fie with me as long the men or women in the films do have nice facial features. I don't mean raving beauties -- but nice looking. After that, I find the average cock size is more interesting to me. Boob size is irrelevant if it isn't the type of nipple I like. I find the direction taken in the porn industry in the past several years a bit disturbing. "Extreme" sex is not of interest to me. The pro's are always nude -- but not always naked. Being naked is partly a state of mind and when it's taken for granted that they believe themselves to have no flaws, their humanity suffers and so dose the porn.
2nd. To say that a guy with a larger than average cock has to work harder to be able to perform satisfactorily is utter nonsense. (obviously spoken by someone without that particular alleged handicap)
People with big boobs or cocks just take a little longer to take off or put on their clothes then the rest of us do.
uh...the sexiest organ of the body is still the brain. I do think the "average" penis or most any other penis is
not going to be able to fully stimulate the G-spot. It's in a place that's hard to hit with a penis and you have to hit the G-spot pretty hard. Or my late wife was lying. I stimulated my late wife to orgasm every time we had sex and I used the G-spot and all the rest, but she said the G-spot gave her orgasm an added dimension that she didn't get any other way. The G-spot was a big help and I had to massage it harder than any other vaginal structure on a woman. And it paid off. Fingers can be very handy -- girls and boys. Otherwise, G-spot vibrators wouldn't look so funny. Who has a dick with a 45º angle on the last 2 inches?
3rd. You'd be hard put to find the "G Spot" located on any anatomical diagram of a human female. Some women can experience orgasm from stimulation in an area loosely described by that term but many cannot. I've know women who orgasm from plain old in and out action of a cock, finger, tongue or other suitable substitute with no contact with the clitorus at all.
I find it hard to believe there is woman out there who does not benefit by clitoral stimulation. If anything, some women say it's overly sensitive and needs a more delicate touch. I think you are partly right, "different strokes...etc." But the G-spot always worked for my wife, it just took a bit on he learning curve to actually find it and know how to stimulate it. I suppose I managed to find a better diagram, then found it in reality.
4th. Simply stated. When you try to generalize about human actions, feelings, performance and equipment your making a big mistake.