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The Girl Upstairs

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The Girl Upstairs

Postby d12nolove » Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:03 pm

I'll preface this with the fact that my wife and I moved to a new apartment recently and that we're on the ground floor for the first time. In addition we can hear more from our neighboors in this apartment than we're used to. When someone flushes the toilet it sounds like there's a flood! But sometimes it's not always as big a deal, as you'll see later. This is from last night actually, around 11:30 PM.

My wife and I went to bed earlier than usual because she's been having trouble getting up in the morning for work ever since we started our new jobs after graduation. I usually have a harder time falling asleep than my wife does unless I'm really tired, in which case I'm out like a light before she turns the lamps off. Last night was no exception. We turned the lights and TV off around 11:00 and she fell asleep and I was just laying there trying to coax my brain into hibernation. Then, around 11:30 I started hearing a rhythmic creaking from upstairs. In three weeks at the new apartment I hadn't heard anything like it so I started to listen a little more intently to it, curious about what it was. That's when I heard the faintest sound of human voices. As time went on it got progressively louder and I decided that, sure enough, my upstairs neighboor had some male company. I actually got hard pretty quick when I realized what was going on but by the time I was ready to join in and masturbate along with them I heard them both moan really loud and then someone got up, walked across the room loudly, and flush the toilet. I guessed they were done and in fact I didn't hear them ever again last night.

However, never one to let a good hard-on go to waste, I went ahead and finished up on my own, and had a quick but very pleasant session. Truth be told, I fell asleep pretty quick after that.

I've only been lucky enough to hear my neighboors like that three times despite living in apartments since I was 19 (I'm 26 now). Anyone else have a similar experience?
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Re: The Girl Upstairs

Postby BigShow » Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:48 pm

Ten years ago I had a small house of my own. The neighbours adjoined to mine were very loud in bed often with the windows open. Then when I moved to my current place the couple upstairs were also extremely loud. I'd look forward to the early hours so I could get some wanking in listening to them go at it.
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Re: The Girl Upstairs

Postby playfuldolphin » Mon Sep 06, 2010 1:20 am

Last edited by playfuldolphin on Sat Mar 26, 2011 4:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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