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Jacking off in public

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outdoor mas....

Postby hunta101 » Sun Jan 22, 2006 3:36 am

nice warm busy day in the sea up to shoulders, feet touching ground,audiance unaware

Postby bigbluejoe » Sun Jan 22, 2006 7:47 pm

one night i woke up horny. i was living at home with my parents and siblings, and for once the entire house was quiet. the clock read 230. knowing that i had a chance to jack in some other rooms, i slipped out of my bedroom and tiptoed down the stairs, avoiding the ones that squeak. i slipped out of boxers and tshirt and slowly worked my growing cock as i wandered around the living room, dining room and kitchen. i was suddenly struck with the desire to stroke my cock oustide. i pulled the back door open and walked the back yard naked, my hard cock pointing the way and leaving a trail of precum to find my way back. we lived across the street from a college dorm, so i decided that i would leave the back yard and jack in the street. i laid down on the dotted yellow line and stroke my cock, not knowing when a student would look out thier windon, or a car would drive by. i shot my load quickly, moaning loud. suddenly nervous that i'd be seen, i quickly got back into the house and dressed and back up to my room. not sure if i was spotted by anyone.
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Re: jacking with animals

Postby mickey » Fri Jan 27, 2006 8:32 pm

mickster wrote:i was wondering how many people have ever jacked off with an animal eg: had a dog lick you balls etc..

I have always wanted but dont want to becos of health reasons.

R there any guys/girls from melbourne australia here?


Just to clarify, I did not post
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Re: jacking with animals

Postby mickey » Fri Jan 27, 2006 8:33 pm

mickster wrote:i was wondering how many people have ever jacked off with an animal eg: had a dog lick you balls etc..

I have always wanted but dont want to becos of health reasons.

R there any guys/girls from melbourne australia here?


Just to clarify, I did not post
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Re: jacking with animals

Postby Ashley » Fri Feb 03, 2006 4:59 am

mickey wrote:
mickster wrote:i was wondering how many people have ever jacked off with an animal eg: had a dog lick you balls etc..

I have always wanted but dont want to becos of health reasons.

R there any guys/girls from melbourne australia here?


Just to clarify, I did not post

No thanx, that's just filthy getting your pet to do that.
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Postby ilovetodoit » Sun Feb 12, 2006 1:26 am

I remember one or two times when I was masturbating at school under my desk :oops: I was about 14-15. I don't think anyone realized what I was doing, anyway.
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Postby EroticRose » Mon Feb 13, 2006 3:58 am

I remember when me and my boyfriend were talking on the phone infront of
Best Buy. He called me right as mom went into the store. He started giving me
butterflies (you know the kind ;) ) and using his voice that gets me horny. Next
thing, I fogged up the ENTIRE car (1996 dodge avenger, totaled now :cry: ) I
rolled down the windows to make the windows fog down, and my mom came back
and while she was driving home, my side fogged BACK up! Only my side, which
was in the passenger seat. I was still talking to my boyfriend when returned and
on the way home. Me and him had more fun when I got back to my room. ;)
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bigtime public jacker

Postby albanyjo » Mon Feb 20, 2006 7:47 pm

have been doing this for years now .. vidbooths / parks/ biketrails/ woods /carwash/ restroom/ u name it best place is this park next to the river i goto there is a good half mile road the runs down hill to the park so when ur there u can c when some1 is drive in way be4 they can c what u r doing.. summer time i go there on the weekends to meet up with buds and sit right out in the open and jack out a good load or 2 ... not many people know about this place so u always have tons of time to get some nice loang edging in be4 u pop
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movies to art museums

Postby pristine » Sat Feb 25, 2006 7:37 pm

I've jacked off during the movie Clerks -- don't know why i was horny, but I was alone, it was dark, and I think it's easier for girls o do it without getting caught.

Another time I was in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and some painting got me horny -- the one where the man finishes his sculpture and falls in love with the women he's just created. Pygmalion I think it's called.... anyway, I went into the bathroom and got off... was eyeing this man the whole time, but we never hooked up.

In the car quite a few times.

That's it i think
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Sam's gas

Postby letsplay » Tue Feb 28, 2006 7:38 pm

I was getting gas at Sam's. I was at the last pump with my conversion van. I had already started pumping gas when a real looker pulled up at same pump on the other side. I had left my door open so the view was blocked for any onlookers so I eased out my tool and started playing. She could see my face but not really what I was doing. I walked back to my open door where I could see her back side as she pumped her gas and continued to jack. If she had turned around she would have gotten a great view because once I started to cum I wouldn't have been able to hide fast enough. I shot my load right onto the pavement in front of the gas pump.
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Public places

Postby Sai » Fri Mar 03, 2006 4:44 am

My favourite is J/O in my car while driving :) Usually I dont cum in the car because of the mess but save myself until i get home. Fun to play with my dick while in traffic! I also enjoy masturbating in the woods... Feels great doing it outdoors!
If there is a risk of being caught it adds to the excitment :D
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Postby brian » Mon Mar 06, 2006 2:55 am

When i was like 11, my teacher wanted me to deliver somthing to another room, no one was in it, so i jerked it. good.
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Postby tFighterPilot » Fri Mar 10, 2006 8:48 pm

I jerked off in math class to some girl's butt crack. Didn't cum though, good thing that is, cuz someone would surly notice it.
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In My Back Yard

Postby bksox3 » Wed Apr 26, 2006 9:28 pm

I recently had me a session in my back yard, very hot day sitting on a lounge chair, i had been going at it for about 45 min. when in walks the guy that reads the water meter...oh man what a rush...i could not hold it and immediatelly shot about 5 to 6 squirts 4 to 5 ft. long. quickly i covered myself w/ a towel, he took the reading and on the way back he gave me a smile and said, have a good day sir and shook his head. Freaking unbelievable rush.
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Postby gayguyinsf » Sat Apr 29, 2006 11:08 pm

I jackoff all of the time while driving. I take all of my clothes off except for my shoes. I don't cum while driving. I wait until I get home. I get out of my truck completely naked and continue to jackoff my hard, 7x6" cock. I then shoot my load onto the pavement.

I lay in the sun naked on my deck. People can see me from the street below. Most of the time I get a boner and I have to jackoff. Sometimes I stand up on jackoff. I usually shoot my load down onto the yard below.

I jackoff at the gym in the showers and in the sauna. If I cum in the sauna, I catch my cum in my hand and then drink it down.

I have jacked in theatre bathrooms. One time a young kid crawled under the door. He was shocked when he saw my hard cock.
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