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Who is masturbating now??I am!!!

A Potpourri of Masturbation

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Re: Who is masturbating now??I am!!!

Postby harcos2007 » Wed Aug 07, 2013 3:25 pm

Two hours alone this morning. I'm already hard, watching videos of women masturbating to orgasm in public, and a few body cum videos. Feels wonderful, and it helps me when it's time for partner sex with my wife.
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Re: Who is masturbating now??I am!!!

Postby fuzzyt » Thu Aug 08, 2013 8:59 pm

I have one of the best jobs in the world. Not because it makes me famous and rich, but because it allows me to have an extremely flexible schedule. I'm the boss of my own consulting firm. Now usually being the boss means you work ALL OF THE TIME, but over the years I've developed a strong clientele and have built my work force with reliable, very capable people who pretty much run the business for me. All I have to do at this point is go to the office a few hours each day to smooth out wrinkles and sign paychecks. This allows me lots of other hours to pursue my favorite hobby, which you know is masturbation.

Some days I have the mornings free and other days the afternoons. Today I came into the office at mid-morning because there was an important phone call I had to handle to assist one of my onsite project managers. Even though I have a lot of staff, most of them are on location during the day; so they usually clear out of the office by 9 AM or thereabouts. This leaves only a handful of support personnel in the office and they are all women. Now don't get in a tizzy, I've got lots of guys working for me but they are the ones, along with some gals, going out on location. But, since I still have to make a daily appearance at the office, I prefer to be surrounded by the fairer sex.

Now then, just because I'm the boss and I'm at the office doesn't mean that I'm not able to enjoy my other passion. While here, I spend most of my time behind my desk. It's arranged so that I face the double doors that enter my office. It's a closed-back design so someone entering my office can't see under the desk. Also, it's an executive desk, which means it's rather large, which does a better job of shielding any activity that may be taking place. My computer monitor faces away from the doors and has a password that even my IT girl doesn't know (who, BTW, has some mighty sexy legs!) In one of the lockable drawers of my desk, I keep a selection of thumb drives which are loaded with my favorite porn. So, even though I may be signing checks or reviewing documents, I'm usually always able to glance up and excite my cock with a pair of sexy bare legs or some puffy nipples. And, with the cover of the desk, one hand is usually always fondling my commando cock through my slacks. Needless to say, I try not to stand up when one of the ladies is in my office.

Another thing I've done to aid in opportunity is to institute policy that the office closes from 11:30 - 1:00 every day for lunch and everyone is required to step out during that timeframe. The official reasoning is to give everyone a time to relax and get some fresh air. The unofficial reason is to give the boss time to masturbate! Since I'm on a flexible schedule, which is shorter than the average office day, I "appear" to work through lunch and no one is the wiser. My personal assistant, Rachel, usually brings me back some takeout for my lunch. So, except for a couple of occasions, I'm pretty much free to drop my pants and play with my bare cock for a good hour and a half!

Now, if you've read any of my posts, you know that I'm a sort of "thrill-seeker." That doesn't stop just because I'm at the office. There have been plenty of times when my cock hasn't stayed inside my pants and I've masturbated with my assistant right outside of my doors, which by the way, are usually wide open unless I'm on an important call. I will just unzip my fly, pull my cock out, and stroke. My assistant has walked into my office on several occasions when I'm stroking. I just stop the motion when I hear her high heels clicking on the floor, answer her question and pick up where I left off after she returns to her desk. About a week ago, I was feeling a little hornier than usual and I needed a little more excitement to bring the "thrill factor" up a notch. I brought myself to the edge of orgasm, several times, and then stopped stroking and called my assistant in to "ask her a question." While she was standing there, in front of my desk which was covering up my exposed penis, I slowly rubbed it that one extra stroke and let go of my semen while she was answering my question. Thank goodness my office has hardwood floors; otherwise the carpet under my desk would be full of stains. After thanking her for her answer, she returned to her desk, none the wiser. (At least I think so!)

Anyways, it's finally lunch time. I've been sitting here for the last few minutes and watching the clock tick down while I've been typing this post. I've had a PowerPoint slideshow going with pictures of pale-skinned girls, in heels, who like to show their sexy bare legs. My cock is hard from massaging it through my slacks. Precum has been leaking out for a while because there's a spot starting to show through the material. Guess I'll be carrying out another box of files today so I can use it to cover the stain on my slacks.

------ My assistant just walked in and asked me what I was hungry for. I wanted to say, "Your hand pumping my cock," but I played it safe and said, "how about something from the Mongolian place on the corner." She said she had some errands to run and would pick something up on her way back up. Then she told me everyone had left for lunch and I had the phones.

------ She just closed and locked the outer doors leading to the building hallway.

------ I just pushed back my chair, stood up and dropped my slacks to my ankles before sitting back down.

------ Pulled up a video of myself masturbating while sitting half naked in my yard. Have it playing in a window next to the bare legs pictures.

------ Stroking a good rhythm with my right hand. ------ Opening desk drawer and taking out a small tube of Vaseline. ------ Mixing Vaseline with precum ------ Hand sliding up and down and around.

------ Taking a cock ring from the porn drawer….strapped it around cock and balls!

------ Super hard now, leaning back in chair, no longer under the safety of my desk ------ Feeling twinges of pleasure generating from my balls and into my abdomen.

------ Nice stream of precum ran out and down my shaft…rubbing it into the mix…super slippery. Love this feeling.

------ Blowing on the wetness surrounding my cock makes chill bumps on my arms and legs.

------ Pulled my “point-n-shoot” camera out of my porn drawer and took a few pictures of my hard cock with close-ups of the veins about to pop. Also got a few close shots of my bright pink “helmet head” with the edges all swollen and flared up!

------ Not going to take very long today, super horny and heart is racing. ------- Whoa, STOP! Pulling ass down and crunching legs together.....

------ Snuck up on me! Almost lost it! Stroking again now, but slowly ------ barely moving my hand----and STOP!

------ Pushed hard cock towards the floor and a BUNCH of precum ran out and streamed to the floor. ---- Wiping my finger through some of my precum ------ licked it off my finger! Ummmm! Stroking again...

------ Using all muscles to hold off orgasm but still stroking... really, really slow....gonna lose it...STOP! Cock pulsating. Pulling down hard...ummm....a wee bit of cum just made its way past those tiny lips.

------ Gonna taste it...ummm, thick and gooey, but rather nice. My level of horniness just shot up!

------ Flexing cock muscles, no hands on cock, only cuddling balls, feels awesome, OH....gonna squirt! Ummmm!

------ Felt extremely good…words can’t describe…especially when my cum squeezed its way past the cock ring. I could feel it rush up the shaft of my cock right before it forced my cock mouth open and blasted out!

------ Now need to clean up. Sperm shot up and some landed on a contract lying on my desk. Whoops! Guess I'll tell Rachel to print another copy because I dripped some food on it and tried to wipe it off. For now, gonna lick my semen off of it and put it in a drawer…yummy!

------ Using a large, needleless syringe, that of course is kept in the porn drawer, to suck up the bulk of the cum pooling around the base of my cock….using baby wipes (kept where else!) for final cleanup.

------ Time to pull pants up, even though still semi hard and feels good to fondle. ------ Hear keys in the lock! Oh hell, gonna leave pants down! Pulling up tight to the desk…Thrilling…continuing to type this post to look busy…Rachel just dropped her keys on her desk…walked into room!

------ I stopped typing when she walked in and looked up at her, she told me what she had gotten for me to eat and then started to unpack it. That’s when I started typing this paragraph. Right now my cock has grown to near full capacity and is aching to be touched. Maybe I should just push back and let it spring up and say HELLO!

------ Rachel’s walking out of my office. Dropping one hand under the desk for a couple of strokes…opening the porn drawer...took out the syringe and laid it in my lap…others starting to filter back into their cubicles…making sure no one is looking into my office…Just squirted my cum from the syringe over my shrimp and Udon noodles and mixed it in.

------ Once again stroking a good rhythm. Not sure I’ll be able to cum again this soon, but it still feels good to stroke and…it takes my bowl of noodles up a notch!

------ Will have Rachel close my doors after I’m finished eating, and whatever else, so I can make an important call (aka: pull up my pants!) Gonna eat my cum-coated noodles now before they get cold. Hope your lunch is equally satisfying!
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Re: Who is masturbating now??I am!!!

Postby Tazz41 » Sat Aug 10, 2013 1:36 am

Alone in a hotel again and stroking my dick for the 2nd this evening. Had the blinds open slightly the first time but its getting dark now and dont want any trouble. It is feeling soooo good to be hard n leaking.
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Re: Who is masturbating now??I am!!!

Postby SteelyDon » Sat Aug 10, 2013 9:23 pm

Been hard at it for a couple of hours already and I've taken a few pics too. Horny as hell now and won't last much longer. PM if you want to see the photos :-0
They said I'd go blind but I'm managing just fine with the spectacles.

Happy to receive PM's from like-minded onanistas.
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Re: Who is masturbating now??I am!!!

Postby Tazz41 » Sun Aug 11, 2013 1:16 am

I am settling in for a couple hours of stroking, just got comfortable, which means getting naked and fondling my nuts and rubbing the tip as it slowly comes to life. Feels awesome!
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Re: Who is masturbating now??I am!!!

Postby touzer999 » Sun Aug 11, 2013 7:30 pm

also in a hotel.... sunday afternoon, got the rest of the day alone....planning to edge for the next few hours been hard and stroking for the last hour, reading the posts here and cruising xhamster.... god, hotel life is good sometimes!!
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Re: Who is masturbating now??I am!!!

Postby cupcake40 » Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:12 pm

Was gonna try to wait until later in the day for some self-love, but the extreme horniness I'm feeling right now made me put everything on hold, strip my clothes off and take my rock-hard cock in hand and begin pleasuring it. Feeling fucking GREAT right now!! It's one of thsoe days I have an overwhelming need to cum! :D
6" long, 1.5" thick
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Re: Who is masturbating now??I am!!!

Postby fm18 » Fri Aug 16, 2013 2:45 am

minxy and jennybi have me hot. now im masturbating. LOL
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Re: Who is masturbating now??I am!!!

Postby bigfish2323 » Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:45 pm

i am thinking about starting very soon.
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Re: Who is masturbating now??I am!!!

Postby cupcake40 » Sun Aug 18, 2013 1:14 am

Been stroking for about a half-hour so far. My cock is rock-hard, lubed up and feeling really good! Working off the stress of a very long week!
6" long, 1.5" thick
LOVE to masturbate and edge whenever I can!
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Re: Who is masturbating now??I am!!!

Postby Ranger1 » Sun Aug 18, 2013 3:23 am

I came earlier today. The Mrs was in the shower this afternoon and the neighbors had just gone out in the car. I went into the back yard and removed my shorts, knelt on the lawn and jerked off. Anyone could have seen me if they had looked over any one of our two yard gates but that's the trill isn't it? It was great to be out in the warm sun with no pants on with my hard cock for the world to see. It was a nice wank.
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Re: Who is masturbating now??I am!!!

Postby pussygirl420 » Wed Aug 28, 2013 4:25 am

I just finished fingering myself for the last few hours. I got so wet thinking about this hot chick I met on here. I had an amazing orgsam. Was hoping I would have had some company while I was masturbating earlier
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Re: Who is masturbating now??I am!!!

Postby Tazz41 » Wed Aug 28, 2013 2:03 pm

Enjoying a early morning wank. I can feel the cum rising.
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Re: Who is masturbating now??I am!!!

Postby Wanker023 » Wed Aug 28, 2013 3:57 pm

I'm jacking off right now for the 2nd time today. Lots of precum while i edge away.
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Re: Who is masturbating now??I am!!!

Postby fuzzyt » Wed Aug 28, 2013 9:15 pm

I'm just finishing up a business trip to the west coast and wanted to tell you about the wonderful orgasm I had about an hour ago!

On my last day of a trip I always check out at the latest possible moment because I like to "get caught" by the maids. Having been here, in Seattle for a few days, I figured out the maids cleaned my room around 11:30am or so. This morning I pulled the desk chair out from the desk and situated it sideways, in full view of the door to the hall. With my laptop on the desk, and lots of porn displayed on it, I played with my cock for a couple of hours and brought myself to the edge several times, producing lots of precum. I was sitting completely naked in the chair, with the curtains open (I'm always on the ground floor) and made sure my cock was standing straight up in case someone walked by the window.

The maid for this section of the hotel appeared to be of college age, eighteen or nineteen, had dark hair, a very cute face and body, and even with the "maid's dress," which falls at mid-knee, and her white sneakers, her bare, brown Latina legs were smokin' sexy! She always had a nice smile and greeting for me when I would pass her in the hallway. Today, being my last day, was the day that I anticipated during my entire business trip. In fact, just thinking about my normal "final exit" had provided fuel, each evening and early morning, for my wanking sessions.

This morning was no different than any other "check-out" day. Keeping myself "close," but not "too-close," I fondled and edged until I heard the maid's cart in the hallway and knew she was cleaning the room across the hall. I knew mine would be next. Once I heard her vacuum cleaner running, I knew she was almost finished and would be coming to my room in a minute or two. I swiveled the desk chair so I was about 45 degrees from the desk and 45 degrees to the door. (I didn't want to appear "obvious" by facing directly at the hall door.) I brought myself as close as I could and still be able to contain my semen. Then came the knock at the door, which I ignored and gave a couple of slow strokes to keep my sperm at the boiling point. Another knock, except this time came the warning call, "Maid Service!" I remained quiet and continued to keep my cock idling. Then I heard her pass-key slide through the slot and the lock clicked. She opened the door a crack and called out once again, "Maid Service!"

My hand started moving up and down with a nice steady rhythm as the door swung open. I acted surprised as I looked up when the maid stepped through the doorway. She looked surprised, or more startled, when she saw me sitting there naked in plain sight of the door. Just as she started to stammer out an, "I'm sorry Sir," I blew my load. The first spurt flew about 12 inches into the air and landed on the desk. The maid's eyes opened wide and she just stood frozen for a couple of seconds as she watched my cum shooting from my swollen cock before she lowered her eyes, mumbled another, "Sorry," and closed the door.

It felt amazing, as it always does, surprising an unsuspecting maid. I love "getting caught" by maids! I figure they aren't going to tell anyone other than their other "maid-friends," because they would be afraid they would get in trouble from management for "disturbing" a guest. It's almost the "perfect" place to expose yourself and be able to have someone watch you have an orgasm.

After milking the last remnants of jism from my shaft, I cleaned the cum off my legs and hand and got dressed. However, I didn't wipe off the desk. I left the big splatter of cum for the maid to enjoy, along with a $20 tip! Now...I'm sitting at the gate of my flight and wanted to get this posted while it was fresh in my mind. I'm not wearing any underwear, as usual, and my cock has been drooling precum because I can feel the wetness on the inside of my thigh. There is still about 15 minutes before the boarding call, and retelling this mornings adventure is making my loins tremble and my balls are calling out for some additional relief before the long flight; so I'm off to the men's room to jack-off while I think about the maid and the look on her face when she saw my cum exploding!

(I'm so thankful for smart phones because they allow me to always pull up masturbation material where ever I may be, and, they allow me to grab pictures, throughout my hotel stays, of the cute maids without them realizing it. The little latina from this morning is definitely about to get a tribute!)
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