Probably could post this under topics like Outdoor Masturbation or Public Masturbation, but since it's happening right now, this seems the more fitting place to post.
I just love modern-day technology. Here I am, lying down in the middle of a public park on a warm sunny day, with a laptop tethering off my cellphone, while I post a real-time event on a website dedicated to masturbation. How can it get much better than this?
Let me describe my situation. It's a public park with a greenbelt along one border and a public neighborhood street on the opposite. At one end is a parking lot with a couple of tennis courts and the other end has a playground full of swings and slides and such. The park is about the length of a football field in both directions. I'm lying on the ground, right in the center of the park. I have a picnic blanket spread under me and another small blanket pulled over me from the waist down. My shirt is off and my knees are up with my laptop positioned against them and wedged down on my bare stomach. My head is propped up on the small backpack I carry the blankets in. It also has an inflatable pillow inside of it which serves a purpose and saves space when packing up. There are three mothers down at the playground with their children and to them I just look like a guy enjoying the sun while working on a laptop. Granted, it's a little strange that I'm covered up on the lower half while appearing to be working on my tan on the upper half, but I've seen stranger things and I'm sure the moms have too. Oh yeah...I forgot to mention...I'm completely naked!
You see, after I spread out the blanket on the ground, blew up the pillow inside my backpack, pulled off my tee shirt and kicked off my flip-flops, I covered my lower half up with the second blanket and pulled my cargo shorts completely off and tucked them under my backpack. I was commando, always, so that left me in a state of total undress! Now...with my knees up and my laptop wedging into my stomach, I have a perfect little bridge over my cock which gives me space to reach under the blanket and do wondrous things! I also brought one of my step-daughter's "ponies," a small band that girls use to tie up a pony tail, and I've doubled it up and slipped it around the base of my cock. The constriction caused an immediate reaction and I'm pretty much swollen to capacity at the moment. Every couple of sentences I reach under the blanket with one hand, check status and give a few strokes. As of this most recent report...precum has started to flow from the mini-mouth at the tip of my cock and it feels really nice as I rub it around the swollen head of my penis.
To help with stimulation, I watch the mom's bending over to assist their little ones. Two of the three are wearing shorts, which are pretty damn short by the way, and one is wearing a tennis skirt. It's really short, pleated and keeps blowing up in the breeze which is perfect because she has some really nice looking legs. She also has on a tank top and sports a pretty nice set of C-cup sized titties. I’ve seen her out here before and would be willing to play hide-n-seek in her pussy anytime!
In addition to the real-life visual stimulation, I have three windows open on my laptop; one is this posting board, one is a continually running slide show of sexy bare legs, and the third is a video, on a loop, of a middle-aged guy working the pussy of an 18 or 19 year-old girl. He likes to fuck them right to the point of orgasm and then he withdraws, points his cock straight up and shoots streams of cum into the air. He's a real stud because he usually cums two or three times during the photo-shoot with each girl. I love to watch his cum squirt and to hear his moans. Most of the time, on his last orgasm, he will withdraw a little earlier and the girls will finish him with their hands. The part that sends jolts of pleasure through my loins is when the girls take his cock in their mouths after he squirts his cum for them. I can almost feel their lips sliding down my own shaft and their tongues swirling around the flared out rim of my penis glans as I imagine my own semen squirting all over the bare legs in the slideshow.
Being able to relay all of this to fellow masturbators, while it's actually happening, is a technological gift sent from Masturbation Heaven! It is already a massive turn on being totally undressed in a public place while masturbating, but being able to share the experience with others is just...well...let's just say, "The Ultimate Turn-On!" I've reached the first trip to the edge of the cliff and I've removed my hand from my cock while it gently pulsates. I can feel precum oozing out and it's slowly making its way down onto my shaft. I'm at that point to where I want, no…I NEED to expose myself so I can look at my hardness and see the glimmer from the slippery precum. My feet are pointed towards the playground so that places my laptop screen as a visual shield to the moms. It seems as though conditions are right so here I go.
(time elapse)
There...I've inched the blanket down and my cock is standing in front of my keyboard. It looks yummy, standing there at attention and all. I just rubbed my fingertips through the precum and all around my cock. It's such a perfect lubrication! Ah-oh...there's that horny desire for more of the "risk-factor!"
(time elapse)
The blanket is now pushed up my legs to behind my laptop. This exposes my hips and upper thighs. Crap...I want more! That's me...a true exhibitionist and public masturbator; always wanting more sexual excitement. A quick check to make sure no one is walking this way from the parking lot behind me. All clear! The laptop should provide enough cover, at near 50 yards (meters for my euro friends), that if the moms look my way it should just look like I've decided to get some sun on my legs. I don't think they should be able to see that I'm not wearing pants, at least from this angle. Now...if they decide to walk this way, or someone pulls into the parking lot and starts towards the park...well, that could be a problem! Oh well, as long as I pull the blanket up in time and don't expose my cock to their children, hopefully they'll just give me a scolding look as they pass by. So, here goes!
(time elapse)
OK...that went smooth. I pushed the blanket up and over my knees and it’s now puddled up around my feet. I'm straightening out my legs but keeping the blanket hooked over my toes in case I need to use them to pull it back up enough to grab with my hands from this supine position. OH, this is great! I'm naked in the middle of a public park, with a busy playground nearby, and I'm writing a post about it while I'm masturbating!!! Precum is freely flowing now from the added excitement, and it's a real rush when the breeze puffs a breath and causes that cool sensation to wash over the wetness of my cock. There's the edge again...switching techniques from a full hand massage over to a two-fingered rapid-fire mini-stroke. Third edge...AND FOURTH! I’m going to remove the "pony" so there's no restriction of semen when I let it go…OHHH...releasing the pressure of the pony also released a BUNCH of precum that was backed up…full hand massage's really, really slippery! Now I’ve slowed my rhythm to a crawl. I SO want to fully expose myself to those scantily dressed MILFS! If only they didn't have little kids with them. Crap...a car just pulled up! (wait) I want to see if they’re here for tennis or the playground.
(time elapse)
Looks like high school girls;, four of them, but not wearing tennis clothing. Not such a bad thing, in fact, could be a good thing. My head is elevated enough that my shoulders and head should block a view to my cock. Doesn't really matter though because I don't mind if they see my cock or figure out I'm masturbating. High school girls never run away screaming "Stranger Danger!" It looks like they’re going to walk around the park. The sidewalk is around the perimeter so they'll be about the same distance from me all the way around. I'm not going anywhere; in fact, I'm going to be cumming somewhere pretty soon. If they happen to look in my direction as they approach the "50-yard-line," they will see that my bareness stretches from my head to my ankles. They will also see a stiff boner pointing to the sky! If I time it right, they may see a "white" fireworks display! Oh body is trembling with excitement!
(break from typing to stroke)
At the edge again! Had to squeeze right under the glans to try and hold off. Didn't orgasm but leaked a little bit of cum! That means I'm REALLY hot! The girls are about a third of the way up now and should be able to see what I'm up to, or how MUCH I'm up to (about 8"

) I can't fight it any longer...I'm gonna make myself cum.
(time elapse)
All done! That was fantastic!! It took a few more strokes than I anticipated, but the timing worked out perfect. The girls were dead straight across from me when I started to spurt. My hand was making enough motion that it was no problem getting their attention. First one girl saw me, said something, and then the other three looked over. The girl lagging behind the others a bit bumped into one of the ones up front when the one up front slowed down to watch me. Then I heard one of those fake sneeze-remarks as one said rather loudly, "PERFERT!" However, it wasn't until after I had finished squirting, so I know they enjoyed it. I just waved a cum-covered hand at them when the one shouted at me. The three in front turned their heads back to look straight ahead but the one in the back, which had run into the other one, gave me a little wave from her hand down by her hip so her friends wouldn't see! That made my day. If only she had been alone, I might have got my cock licked clean.
(time elapse)
So…I've pulled the blanket back up and worked my cargo shorts back on. All that's left is to put my tee shirt back on and pack-up and get out of here before the moms head back to the parking lot with the kiddos. This was fun; I love this park! I cum her quite often and know the best times for interaction and the best locations for exposure!
Guess I'll head home now. My wife should be getting in from her shift pretty soon and I'm sure she'll want to know how I spent my afternoon. She knows I publically masturbate and she loves for me to tell her about my exploits while either she or I rub on her clit. She has the day off tomorrow. Maybe we'll cum to the park and have a picnic under a blanket. Might even have a little Pussy Cream Pie for dessert!