The Big One 8 wrote:dont know if you guys have tried this, but as you are about to have an orgasm, start chugging a big glass of water or juice until you stop cumming. i was curious and tried it the other day and it felt great! please reply once you have one this and tell me waht you think.

Actually, the only thing that affects the thickness of the seminal fluid being ejaculated is the water. The fluid benefits mainly off of the nutrients in water, so you may have just ingested a lot of water recently before masturbating, or you began to chug about 30 minutes before you came, because by then, the liquid would have disperesed itself among your systems. So, the technique you're trying to get at is to drink high concentrations of water about 30 minutes to an hour before you cum. My boyfriend tells me that's how he keeps his cum nice and thick.