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walking in the buff

A Potpourri of Masturbation

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Re: walking in the buff

Postby Tazz41 » Sun Sep 02, 2012 3:24 pm

Luv it Foxee!
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Re: walking in the buff

Postby selflover » Sat Oct 06, 2012 1:46 pm

I walk around naked all the time inside the house and in the back yard.
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Re: walking in the buff

Postby loveyanking » Wed Jun 12, 2013 2:29 pm

I love to walk around the house naked when there is no one home. Yesterday I went down cellar to my workshop and got naked while I was changing into my work clothes and walked around stroking my cock until I was hard then masturbated, it was great.
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Re: walking in the buff

Postby Floppyone » Mon Jun 17, 2013 4:13 pm

Can't beat being naked and here I am just after the WNBR

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Re: walking in the buff

Postby bigjim7 » Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:14 pm

Whenever I get an opportunity my preference is to go around the house naked. Its sensual and a little sexual I suppose. I think everybody likes being naked - its our natural state.
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Re: walking in the buff

Postby fuzzyt » Tue Jun 24, 2014 7:25 pm

I agree with all of y'all about how liberating it feels to walk around naked. I spend a good portion of each day wearing only my birthday suit. However, being "protected" by the privacy of your home is nowhere near as liberating as walking around naked while being outside. While I've felt "free" on plenty of ocassions, like short strolls on the beach or walking across the street to get my mail, my most "uncumbered" hike was the night I drove down to the local country club. Once in the parking lot next to the golf pro shop, I stripped ALL of my clothes off, with the exception of a pair of no show socks and my walking shoes, and left them in my vehicle while I proceeded to walk 27 holes on the golf course by the light of a full moon. This included crossing public streets twice and walking about a quarter of a mile down the main sidewalks of an exclusive neighborhood. I wore a small headlamp on my head, so I wouldn't step in a gopher hole, and carried a smart phone in the other which was displaying an app that ran a slideshow of my favorite jackoff pictures. This left one hand free for other activities. :D There was no staying in the shadows of the trees either. I would walk onto each tee box, as if I were playing the game, and then proceed right down the middle of the fairways which were lined on both sides by fancy homes; several of which had people sitting on their patios, enjoying the warm summer night. My free hand was always keeping my cock in a state of arousal as I walked while periodically glancing at my phone. But when I reached a green, I would walk to where the flag was and then bring myself to the edge of orgasm while I looked in detail at those "naughty" pictures on my phone. When I was finally standing on that 27th green, I finally let go of the pressure that had been building for almost three and a half hours. After a few waggles of my cock to free it from the last remaining drops of cum, I walked to the parking lot where I crawled back into my vehicle and drove "naked" back across town to my home. Once there, I sat on my patio and enjoyed a well deserved beer while I stroked out a second orgasm.
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Re: walking in the buff

Postby Strokerjack » Thu Jul 10, 2014 7:38 pm

I posted before that I enjoy being naked every chance I get. I now live outside the city so can quickly be out in nature and walk in the nude. I find it difficult for people/someone to join me. Most find it odd/disgusting etc that I would like to walk naked in the woods??? People gotta lighten up and enjoy.
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Re: walking in the buff

Postby SteelyDon » Fri Jul 25, 2014 3:18 pm

Do you like to stroke outdoors too? I've posted before about this but have never done it with anyone else. Maybe next time I'm in Canada? :-)
They said I'd go blind but I'm managing just fine with the spectacles.

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Re: walking in the buff

Postby Tazz41 » Mon Jul 28, 2014 2:58 pm

Nearly 20 yrs ago in Calif, a place near Fresno, National park, plenty of nudist. I joined in many times but never stroked with of for anyone. However would hike off the beaten path with a bottle of lotion and jack off on several occasions letting the sperm fly.
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