by Tazz41 » Wed Sep 28, 2011 3:04 pm
The best time I actually had was in California at a place called Bass lake. there is a stream coming down from the mountains that feeds it.That area above the lake is a popular nudist area that I read about and frequented many times over a 8 week period.People didnt usually hike around naked, but would find spots along the stream to tan nude, I fully participated nearly every time in different areas along the trail except when their were clothed people around with no intention of being naked. What a rush to lay on the rocks totally exposed with other nudist, and to take a dip in the stream. It seemed so natural to walk and talk while being nude with other naked people. The only thing was that on several occasions I just had to get off so I would hike off a ways into the woods above the stream,prop up against a tree and stroke, I wondered if anyone cared to watch or did watch me pleasuring my cock.