I can't really recall, but I think I was about 4 or 4 and a half. I have always been extremely sexual. I remember in high school I had to cum with squirting (though I was unaware that it was female ejaculation -- I used a tissue to masturbate for reasons to complicated for this time of morning -- I thought it was sweat from my labia majora running onto the tissue, tee hee. what a silly girl

at least three times at a sitting (okay, lying-down) before I could face dinner with my family. All that male flesh burned into my head, and I was saving myself. I love God, but certain events in my life make me certain that God doesn't give a shit which girls have successfully saved themselves and which haven't (too much unpleasantness in these events to share on such a hot, fun forum). Suffice it to say, I am glad I was penetrated, but the how and the who and the why of it piss me off. Nothing like it. Just closing my eyes, pinching my nipples, and intense-imagining that I am being truly, deeply fucked makes me cum like God knows what.