Beginning with the masturbation, I have under the guidance of older playmates on our memory, when I was about 9 years old. I can still remember the time I sliding the foreskin on the glans has tickled almost unbearable, but at the same time was also a very nice feeling. Having said that I was interested even in his younger days for my penis very strong. That means I masturbatory experiments carried out earlier with my penis. According to this key event in the attic at that time I thought I could stop at any time with masturbation again, now I know that it has become addictive. Here is no misunderstanding occurs, I do not think masturbation for Harmful or for bad, I masturbate even now, with the greatest pleasure. The only problem that occurs is psychological nature, in a word, it is lonely because it is in fact dependent on any human being. The other keeps you constantly on his libido low level so that we are not interested in women, almost. That's my opinion, the only drawbacks of masturbation.
I am 65 years old and masturbate since my 9th Age regularly ie every day. That's 57 years. During this time I had masturbated about 26 900 times. Even now when I masturbate on average 1,9 times per week. I usually have one minute masturbation duration of 2.