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When you were 16-22 and dating ..

A Potpourri of Masturbation

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Postby Burtonguy » Thu Jul 12, 2007 10:39 pm

at that time, probably just a fun time, if you know what i mean. :P
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Postby Stefan » Sat Jul 14, 2007 5:27 pm

SavoryIce wrote:
SavoryIce wrote:
Stefan wrote:being honest wanted to get as much from a girl as i could. was only really interested in them for sex stuff.

Is that really all? I guess you have a bit of growing up to do.

Hey now that is not fair... My whole point was to show the facts and truth. I think that girls are under the wrong assumption growing up and the fact is that 99% of all males are looking for sex and that is the facts at that age. I thought this would be a good way to enlighten us. He said he was being honest and to admit that shows he is definetely an adult don't you think? ... Niagra

I guess that it's alright if he's being honest, but it's as if he can blatantly spurt it out and not say anything else. I was never completely under that impression growing up, but the reason I said what I said was to imply that being an adult will describe your sex interests more elaborately. What he described wasn't elaborate.

But, of course, I see your side of the argument as well. In that case, my apologies, Stefan. But still, maybe you should look deeper into it.

savory im now 36. of course my outlooks changed. but any boy aged 16 to early 20s that says theyre after anything other than whatever sexual things they can get off a girl is telling lies.
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Postby HornymanExtraordinaire » Wed Jul 18, 2007 4:44 am

There were times in the past where I had questioned motives and whatnot for dating and making female companionship in general. While certain carnal inhibitions existed at times, I soon found that the more pure feelings outlasted or were stronger than the aforementioned. I once thought I, too, had found an incredible girl with which I could spent plenty of time. I knew we wouldn't have sex, as was both her and my upbringing. I knew that at some time we may get close, although we never did.

After over a year and half together we finally split, after the previous few months hadn't been going well. For a while thoughts of women, relationships, and the sex that would sometimes precipitate from such companionship were the furthest from my mind. I thought it'd be alright to be single for a while, what with college looming and whatnot. I could not have nights to myself, I could now spend time with my family, and (in the more selfish and sexual aspect) I could now masturbate without feeling the guilt I sometimes felt after thinking of or looking at someone who wasn't her.

This placated me for a few months, but soon I met a girl who I knew was different. I could tell she was the perfect one for me, looking at her calm, optimistic nature. Her soothing smile, which rarely faded from her glowing face, seemed to tell me that everything would be alright, and that life will go on no matter what. After a couple of months knowing her, we began to date.

Yes, she is beautiful---stunningly so---and yes, I knew she was or had probably been the subject of a few guys' fantasies, but not mine. For the first few months of our relationship I thought nothing sexual of her. Perhaps it had to do with how innocently sweet she was, how she cared for me and had patience for me in a way I'd never before experienced. In my mind I felt as though thinking of her in any way other than the purest would somehow tarnish that image of her, because I knew there was far more to her than lustful desire.

We've been together for quite some time now, and our love for each other is deeper than any I knew could exist between us. She's unlike any person I've ever met, and I've been able to share things with her that I never though I'd reveal to anyone.

I wondered, though, if things would change after we began to make out frequently. Our fervent sessions led from kissing to the occasional touch through clothing, then one night we found ourselves with her topless and me with my shorts down and my cock standing erect. We didn't have sex that night, and to this day haven't, and that's more than fine with me.

How unique it was for me to wake up that next morning, and every subsequent morning, to find that we still care for each other and think of each other in the same way despite our sexual yearnings becoming known and partially acted upon. If anything, this outpouring of primitive emotion strengthened our relationship. To this day when I see her I don't imagine her partially naked or with my penis in her hand. I don't think to myself how blissfully pleasing it would be to have sex with her, nor do I wish with all of my might that we'll do that again. Would I stop us if our frenetic ways led to such actions? No, but if we never did it again I feel that our relationship would not change or suffer.

To me, reflecting on my previous points, it eases my mind to know that I am not one of the many guys out there addicted to sex or sexual pleasures with my girlfriend. It's good to know that our relationship is not based on such actions, either, and that we don't think of each other just by the parts of our bodies society deems to be private. Part of this comes from my faith, some from my upbringing, and the rest is because of her, and I thank her everyday for that, whether I vocalize such articulations or not.
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Postby tburda823 » Wed Jul 18, 2007 4:54 am

grew up too fast. i look for someone that i care about that loves me and if we have sex awesome, if we have sex and it's great, even better. I easily accepted being with a girl that wanted to wait for marriage when i was 20 years old. it didnt last but it was her choice not mine. now im wth someone i get unbelieveable sex AND masturbation with!
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Postby Niagra » Wed Jul 18, 2007 9:08 pm

Hornyman, I must take a moment to say how deeply moved I was by your thoughts. You must truly be looking through the eyes of genuine love when you gaze upon this woman. However Niagra wants to make sure that you and that she are seeing the same things. You assume some very grown up and extremely mature things are being felt by her ... in the same way that you see them. I would encourage you to never assume anything especially when it comes to a woman. I say that with love and respect. Please do not assume that you and she are seeing the exact things when you look at each other.

Also and perhaps you do underatand this but sexual thoughts are very normal and does not make you less for thinking them and most certainly does not lessen the image of who she is because you have them. They are yours and cannot be transformed onto her. Sexual experience is God Given and can be one of the most beautiful things of this world especially being shared between two that love as deeply as you. Not to mention it is about as close to God as you can be if you are loving with your spirit. A place most people will never reach and perhaps you may indeed be able to achieve. For what I read you have quite the potential . Please take heed to guard that heart for when you love as deeply as you the hurts that occur in this world as normal can take you to your knees or face. Be careful... you are indeed extraordinary.


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