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Where do you rank on the Kinsey Scale?

A Potpourri of Masturbation

Moderators: WaccoMan, BigBob, Alan, Zipgun, Wanker023, nj_stroker2002

Where do you rank on the Kinsey Scale?

0 - Exclusively heterosexual
1 - Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual
2 - Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual
3 - Equally heterosexual and homosexual
4 - Predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual
5 - Predominantly homosexual, only incidentally heterosexual
6 - Exclusively homosexual
Total votes : 116

Where do you rank on the Kinsey Scale?

Postby Mani » Thu Nov 23, 2006 2:17 am

This poll is based on the Kinsey scale, which was first used in 1948 to measure sexual orientation on a graded scale from from 0 (exclusively heterosexual) to 6 (exclusively homosexual). It is non-judgmental and was extremely controversial at the time, as you can imagine!

I am posting this poll because questions come up so frequently here in the forums about whether watching a member of the same sex wank off, or wanting to engage in a mutual experience, means that one is "gay". Hopefully this poll will raise awareness of the diverse nature of human sexual preferences and the fact that many, many of us fall someplace between the exclusively "straight" or "gay" categories. :D

For more information on the Kinsey Scale:

Here are Kinsey's original findings on bisexuality: ... isexuality

Postby 24Tuesday » Thu Nov 23, 2006 6:13 am

My guess is that I fall somewhere between 0-1. Can you claim a slight bisexuality if you've never acted on it? I have only ever had heterosexual sexual relationships, but I think if the circumstances were right, I could see myself experimenting in small ways with another guy. I'd probably not go any farther than jacking off, but I guess I have no idea until I'm actually in that situation.

I guess that's a long way of saying I'm a "0" but with the capacity to be a "1"?
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Postby ilikeitalot » Thu Nov 23, 2006 9:39 am

I think the word "homosexual" is gonna scare most guys into saying "0"... even if it's not totally true. More current terminology like "bisexual" or "curious" seems less threatening to the typical hetero male's ego. But if I try to avoid the wording of Kinsey's scale, I'd say I'm a "1". I'd probably never act on it... but if it were possible with no repurcussions, I would be curious or interested in experimenting a bit.

Postby Les Lover » Thu Nov 23, 2006 6:08 pm

I guess I would rank a 6 or maybe a 5. But I find fault with the "accidental" parts of the scale. How would somebody "accidently" have gay/straight sex aside from prison or rape? And would it still be gay sex if a woman had intercourse with a shemale?
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Postby Mani » Thu Nov 23, 2006 7:42 pm

I just want to say I used the exact wording in the poll as used in the Kinsey scale, in fact it was totally a cut-and-paste job from the Kinsey website. I agree the language is rather clinical and formal, if not archaic. How things have changed in 58 years!

One point of clarification, which Les Lover mentioned, is that "incidental" does not mean "accidental"! Incidental means, "occurring merely by chance or without intention or calculation". So, do you only have "homosexual sex" when the opportunity is available by chance, or do actively you seek it out? I think it is purely incidental for me when I go to the chat room and find myself fascinated by some guy's cam, or getting turned on by his cum shot - I always go to the chat room hoping to find a woman to cam with, so it is incidental if some guy or guys turn me on instead. I hope that clarifies things.

Maybe I will try working out an alternative wording to the poll, and repost it later this weekend...

I think it is cool that this is stimulating some discussion!

Postby ilikeitalot » Fri Nov 24, 2006 4:13 am

Well, if you reword the poll, then you'll have to rename the scale. The "Mani Scale" would be kinda fitting lol.

Postby goforitMark » Sat Nov 25, 2006 12:04 am

I'm a 6 through and through
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Postby tuttle87 » Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:16 pm

I'd be 0, maybe 0.2, if that's possible.
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Postby tugga » Fri Jan 05, 2007 1:27 am

i reckon im a 3,i honestly cant say which i prefer...women or men?? it varies from week to week i suppose,ill go through a phase when all i think about is pussy then ill find myself thinking about cock for a while........perhaps im still comfused at the age of 38...i prefer to think that i just enjoy both...
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Postby BigBoy80 » Wed Feb 21, 2007 2:38 am

24Tuesday wrote:My guess is that I fall somewhere between 0-1. Can you claim a slight bisexuality if you've never acted on it? I have only ever had heterosexual sexual relationships, but I think if the circumstances were right, I could see myself experimenting in small ways with another guy. I'd probably not go any farther than jacking off, but I guess I have no idea until I'm actually in that situation.

I guess that's a long way of saying I'm a "0" but with the capacity to be a "1"?

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Postby tuffjacker » Wed Feb 21, 2007 9:20 pm

I go along with 24Tuesday. I am 0 but sometimes I would think about possibly joining in a jacking off session with other guys. That is as far as I would ever want to go. I do get turned on by seeing the pics of other guys cum and wouldn't mind sharing mine with them.

I believe there is a little bisexuality in us all if we are honest with ourselves.
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Postby VanillaDew » Wed Feb 21, 2007 11:03 pm

I'm a 2 - mostly hetero but more than incidentally homo.... I identify with bisexual because I've always been attracted to both men and women as long as I can remember. I got married 25 years ago and have had only the man I married since that date.

My results on these tests are skewed because they're heavily weighted on what one actually does. Being married and monogomous, that mean my active sex live is exclusively hetero. If I weren't married and monogomous, then I'd hope to have an equal number of male and female lovers. That's the fantasy, anyway. :wink:
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Re: scale

Postby guinner » Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:28 am

i reckon im a 3,i honestly cant say which i prefer...women or men?? it varies from week to week i suppose,ill go through a phase when all i think about is pussy then ill find myself thinking about cock for a while........perhaps im still comfused at the age of 38...i prefer to think that i just enjoy both...

fun thread, I never saw that scale, and when you look at everyday life, only 0, 3, and 6 are normally recognized. But four new categories added, makes a lot of sense.

I'm with tugga on this one btw, a 3, and it varies from week to week, haha, although i think the people you meet play a big role in it as well.

Btw, I think the scale lacks something, there is also asexuality, rate it -1 or 7, whatever... and probably doesn't refer to anyone visiting this site, but I think it deserves an honorable mention.
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Postby LoveThyself! » Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:27 pm

Dos. Being married puts a damper on being a 3, and so pushes me more towards the hetero side.

Postby Vada » Thu Feb 22, 2007 7:34 pm

What does "incidental" mean? Does it mean actual contact with the same sex? Or does it mean to just think about it? If it means actual contact I'm a 0. If it means thoughts then I'm a 1. I fantasize quite a bit about sex with a woman.
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