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Which celebrities do you think masturbate the most

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Re: Which celebrities do you think masturbate the most

Postby Slivers » Thu May 16, 2013 10:22 pm

I just read that Taylor Swift didn't say that but Taylor Monson. I'm pretty sure Miss Swift is a masturbator, but she hasn't cum out yet.
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Re: Which celebrities do you think masturbate the most

Postby SexxyFunn » Mon Aug 12, 2013 2:25 am

I'll add a few since this is a favorite topic of mine:

Aubrey O'Day has admitted it a few times
Aisha Tyler
The 2 Wilson sisters from Wilson Phillips admitted it on Howard Stern
Sarah Colonna from "Chelsea Lately"
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Re: Which celebrities do you think masturbate the most

Postby rxrxr » Sun Sep 15, 2013 5:55 am

Indeed, Howard Stern has gotten quite a few female celebs to admit to it. Jenny McCarthy has said that she feels her sex drive has increased as she's gotten older, to the extent that she now does it at least once a day.

Adrianne Curry and the girls from "Jersey Shore" (though one can argue whether or not they're 'true' celebrities) have also admitted it a few times.
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Re: Which celebrities do you think masturbate the most

Postby lance.g » Tue Sep 24, 2013 8:24 am

In answer to the sub-heading: "And also has any celebrity ever came out and admit to doing it"... I just saw someone who I'm thrilled to now know 'takes care of herself'.
I was watching 'Conan' a few nights ago, and saw that the guest was the lovely Lizzy Caplan (so witty, sarcastic, deliciously acerbic... but also sweet). Being a long time fan, and knowing she was there to promote her Masters and Johnson show, I was hoping for something sexual and Ms. Caplan didn't disappoint. She mentions that what she's learned from the show is that, "Everybody masturbates differently." She goes on to say, "One would assume, hey everybody just does it the way I do it... not the case." She goes on with a few other clever lines (definitely worth watching her interview), before landing the great, "Maybe down the line I'll get bored of my own personal technique and I can draw upon things like that girl from episode four." (Yes, I realize that this whole thing is for comedy's sake, but I like to think jokes contain 'truths'. Plus the fact that her winning personality matches her beautiful exterior only makes her hotter. Fantastic...)
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Re: Which celebrities do you think masturbate the most

Postby lance.g » Tue Sep 24, 2013 8:52 am

If we continue to blur the line between humour and "truth" (and why not... 'funny' is one of the sexiest qualities in a woman), these pseudo-confessions of self-love jumped out at me. I may be the last person to hear about this comment, but I certainly don't spend any of my day reading Twitter, or anything like it. However I was fortunate enough to stumble on these tweets. (What I was doing googling 'Anna Kendrick' and 'masturbation', on the other hand, is my business...)
Ms. Kendrick is quite an amusing little poster, as evidenced by her joking revelation about viewing the film Gangster Squad: "Never going to a Ryan Gosling movie in a theatre again. Apparently masturbating in the back row is still considered 'inappropriate'." Excellent stuff... (Of course it's more of a compliment/ sex symbol comment, than a confession, but I still got turned on.) She also jokes that when tedious fancy journalists inquire about her spare time activities, she has a strong urge to, "say masturbate, it'll be hilarious."
Fun comments from a sexy young woman. Like Lizzy Caplan, Anna Kendrick seems to often play strong, intelligent, independent characters, and I would be more surprised to find out these actresses don't masturbate. (In my mind they sure do.)

For one last beat on this topic; if there is any link between humour and 'real world' admitting to self-pleasure, I submit... 'Perfect Night' by Sarah Silverman. Like so much of her body of work, I find myself thinking, laughing, and getting very horny... sometimes all at once.
Silverman is god... Cheers.
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Re: Which celebrities do you think masturbate the most

Postby rxrxr » Sun Sep 29, 2013 4:12 am

^^ On a somewhat related note, on the TV show 2 Broke Girls, the 2 main female characters occasionally mention self-pleasuring with extreme nonchalance; as if they were talking about washing dishes or something. While neither of the actresses (Kat Dennings and Beth Behrs) have ever discussed this topic in interviews about the show (yet) to the best of my knowledge, I have to imagine both of them do it as well.
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Re: Which celebrities do you think masturbate the most

Postby Filip » Wed Nov 13, 2013 9:15 pm

SexxyFunn wrote:I'll add a few since this is a favorite topic of mine:

Aubrey O'Day has admitted it a few times
Aisha Tyler
The 2 Wilson sisters from Wilson Phillips admitted it on Howard Stern
Sarah Colonna from "Chelsea Lately"

I just logged on now to add Aisha Tyler after i heard her on a podcast joking about how the life of a young comic involves a lot of masturbation, but you beat me to it!

wow, it's hot to think of Lizzy Caplan masturbating!
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Re: Which celebrities do you think masturbate the most

Postby lance.g » Tue Jul 29, 2014 12:14 pm

I think that Cybill Shepherd must masturbate a great deal... a fact which makes me very aroused.
This short article's headline would seem to sum things up nicely... 'Cybill Shepherd Says Masturbating Keeps Her Young'.

Ms. Shephard has been so sexy over the years, that picturing her in this solo-pleasuring light is wildly titillating.
(And if she is actually correct about masturbation keeping us young... then at the rate that I've been going, I may soon be too young to be a member here on this forum...)

I also really enjoyed her masturbation related phone questions for new lovers. A mature, sexy woman, who knows what she wants... mmmm. Nice.
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Re: Which celebrities do you think masturbate the most

Postby Filip » Sun Aug 10, 2014 5:35 am

Thank you for that Cybill Shepard link. That's hot. I wish she'd call and screen me, I'd answer all her questions right.
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Re: Which celebrities do you think masturbate the most

Postby rxrxr » Thu Sep 25, 2014 11:55 am

Well, thanks to 'The Fappening,' we now officially know that both Aubrey Plaza and Abigail Spencer do it as well.
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Re: Which celebrities do you think masturbate the most

Postby Slivers » Sat Nov 08, 2014 10:54 pm

O, the Spencer ones were amazing.
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