August 16, 1998I can't believe I've been hanging out with all of you for almost 8 months now!! I've been having a lot of fun with this site, and I hope you've been enjoying it as well. I continue to get lots of input, both positive and negative, from our users which I really enjoy receiving. Seriously, the complaints are as important as anything else so I can make this a better place to play. One of the most common requests from members is to establish the IRC channel as a regular part of our site again. I am all for that and I'm looking for a way to get the old channel permanently established again. One important factor here is to have someone who will help establish a chat schedule and be there to get the chat going. I don't have a lot of time for that, so, if anyone is interested, please let me know. The biggest challenge is finding a time when our masturbators from Europe, Australia and the US are all up and ready. PHOTOS: I am always looking for more photos, ESPECIALLY OF OUR FEMALE ENTHUSIASTS. The photo submissions have all but stopped. While there is a lot of commercial content out there for me to purchase, I really believe this site should remain dedicated to amatuers. Not amateur masturbators, amateur photographers and models, in other words, YOU. So, I've modified the photo submission rules which will allow all you horny strokers and diddlers to just jump in front of a digital camera, fill out one form, zip the whole thing up and email it to me. Remember, if I post your pics, you have lifetime membership! I am STILL looking for a better chat program than what we've got in the member's section right now. If anyone is familiar with a chat program I can run on my server, let me know....I'm NOT interested in buying time on another server, I want a program I can purchase and run entirely on my own server. Thanks for your support and I look forward to a long, nasty relationship with you all!
January 27, 1998Well, folks, its been a month and I'm still here and having a blast! I've certainly appreciated all the support and stories I've been getting from both our new members and old. One of the sections I'd REALLY like to improve is the pictures section. I want to have as many new pictures of our USERS as I can get (not just pics from binaries.) I will shortly be modifying the rules on submitting pics electronically - watch the photo faq for an update. Another alternative, which I hope will be a lot more fun, is to ask members and non-members alike to contact me if you'd like to have your photo taken. I live in southern California and will make myself available for our friends who live here or are just passing through. As usual, you will receive membership for the life of the page, and you will also receive your own set of the photos. I will STRICTLY maintain your privacy, as is done already. If you are interested in this photo opportunity, please email me and we'll set something up. I'm happy to 'shoot' guys, ladies or couples. Other news: Our merchant account is now active, and will be available for subscriptions by thursday at the latest (FINALLY!!) I've been getting lots of emails from people who want to join so, this should help us grow. Our chat program is going to be made available again, but it still has one problem. It doesn't function properly with Internet Explorer. We're still waiting for the code to fix that. Some posts have recommended keeping the IRC channel going, and I'm all for that as well. Hopefully I can start hosting scheduled meetings in March (I'm going to India for two weeks in February so don't want to be precipitous.) Finally, I'd like to share a little more about myself with ya'll. As mentioned, I live in Southern California, out in the sticks. I'm an avid outdoorsman, single, 6'3", 200 lbs, love to ski, travel, hike, and ALWAYS ready to give my pole a loving stroke or two! Below is a recent photo of me in action. Hope you like!
December 18, 1997This is your new webmaster, Stan, signing on to say hello and to thank you all for allowing me to join your wonderful community here at the Masturbation Home Page! Mick has done a GREAT job over the last years to make this a warm, wonderful place for us to hang out! As your new webmaster, I hope I can foster the same sense of enthusiasm for masturbation that Mick has. God knows I'm a DEVOTED practitioner!! I'm not called the ‘strokeman' for nothin'. I, like you, have happily perused the wonderful pictures of women loving themselves (and we can ALWAYS have more of that!) and men worshiping their joy sticks. I have spent many hours reading the stories you have shared with us about your own exciting masturbation adventures. The great thing about being the webmaster....I get to read them ALL, as soon as they come in. I'm worried I might be too busy cooling myself off to get any work done!! As Mick told you, I have no intention of changing the format of the Masturbation Home Page. I have the desire and the time needed to spend updating the stories and pictures, and keeping the site as fresh as possible. I do ask your indulgence as I come up to speed. Mick has supplied me with quite a few stories you have submitted and I am going through them now (my wrist is a little tired!) But this does not mean that you shouldn't be writing more stories and submitting them to me. You'll see my email address all over the place...I am Stan, the stan@masturbationpage.com. Okay, I lied a little. I am changing one thing. I have registered our own domain name for the page. After January 1st, our new URL will be: masturbationpage.com. I will be making updates here, at janey.com, until the 1st, then you should expect to see a redirect notice at janey.com pointing you to our new, permanent home. Our connectivity at the new home will be excellent. Any complaints should be directed to me, stan@masturbationpage.com. I am already receiving email at that address. Another change will be a switch from First Virtual to Cybercash. I have a merchant account there that doesn't hold back the way First Virtual did. Therefore, I will be encouraging members to sign up via Cybercash, rather than via check/snail mail. That option will still exist, but the Cybercash will be easier for me. Stories and Pics that are posted will garner the same membership rights as before. Finally, its a sure thing that I'll make a few mistakes along the way. Please be patient with me and just let me know how I screwed up. I'll do my best to fix things right away. My hope is that all you women will continue to caress your Love Caves and the men will continue to spew your White Gold and relate every hot, horny detail to the rest of us!! Peace!
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