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What do you use for lube?

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Postby Outsider » Thu Feb 15, 2007 5:06 am

VanillaDew wrote ....
I hope this isn't a question only for the men. Just ordinary KY for me. I've tried the warming version, and couldn't tell much difference.

Have any of your guys tried the new warming lubricants? Can you tell any difference?

My wife and I tried the warming lotion. It actually seemed to irritate her a little when we had intercourse and she didn't like it as well as the regular stuff. She also said it didn't feel as slippery to her.

When I used it for masturbation it didn't seem as slippery as regular KY and would get kind of sticky fairly quickly so I had to keep reapplying it until my precum started to flow. Once that started it was plenty slippery. Overall, regular KY is better, IMHO.

As a side note, I've found that the Target brand of lubricant seems to be more slippery than the brand name KY. It may just be in my head but it also seems to stay slippery longer. For me, the name brand KY lubricant loses its slippery-ness (is that a word? :) ) and gets sticky faster.
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Postby Outsider » Sun Mar 04, 2007 8:09 am

I was thinking about this post and was recalling how when I was in my teens that I tried every possible household substance as a lube. There are wo that stand out in my mind as being very nice to jack with are baby oil which I used many many times and also used it to discover how nice it felt to rub my asshole, eventually progressing into penetration with my fingers and then on to finger-fucking myself as I jacked. The other was Crisco shortening.

Crisco was actually the more slippery of the two but it was very hard to clean up and after taking a bath the tub was very slippery with a coating of the residue. I tried wiping it down with a towel but it was still slick. For a single person living alone that wouldn't be a problem but with four other family members living there I was afraid somebody was going to ask what was in the tub. :lol:
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Postby ralphthemutt » Sun Mar 18, 2007 4:02 am

normally no lube.
but if you have pre-cum, spray some water on your dick. it'll mix with the pre-cum and you can lube your whole dick. best lube ever.
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Postby Outsider » Sun Mar 18, 2007 4:06 am

Never, I repeat, never use mayonaisse. :oops:
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Postby happyjack » Sun Mar 18, 2007 6:51 pm

usually lube with hand cream or KY (big fan of KY), but years ago I was seeing a woman who gave me the best handjobs with Albolene..which is a makeup remover.
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Postby handeman » Sun Mar 18, 2007 7:44 pm

Hi you might stay away from petrolium based lubs they are not too good for toys, A suggestionWhen you use KY and it begins to dry up as you as you say, just dip your hand and the KY worka again and again. I just luv the stuff. Try it.
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Postby o247o » Sun Mar 18, 2007 9:37 pm

Never, I repeat, never use mayonaisse. :oops:

lol... I normally don't use any lube, but I'll keep that in mind.

I have tried out lotion before and the lube from a lubricated condom, but after successfully abstaining for several days, I'll see if I can try out anything mentioned in this thread..
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Postby LoveThyself! » Sun Mar 18, 2007 9:41 pm

I think I've probably used them all, as far as over the counter lubes are concerned. Personal favorites are:

For outside when I can be messy and totally covered in it: just about any cooking oil (peanut oil seems to have the highest viscosity) or Hawaiian Tropic Tanning Oil (no SPF);

By hand: Albolene, KY Warming Jelly, and the old stand-by Vaseline (be careful because many women are sensitive to the chemicals that cause the warming effect, especially if they are already kinda raw from foreplay or sex)

With porous toys: the KY Warming Jelly again, or the water-soluble versions of Astroglide or Wet. Yes, Target's version of KY Liquid is a bit slicker, but all of them seem to fade out on me before I do, with the Warming Jelly lasting the longest. A bit of water/saliva will rehydrate these, so try that before adding more of the lube, as they tend to be expensive.

And after the first orgasm, my own cum/pre-cum is fantastic, because just about the time is starts to get gummy, I'm gushing out another fresh load, and am ready for the next go-round!

Back in the kitchen, when cooking a nice dinner in the nude for my wife, Crisco will do in a pinch and, surprisingly, a light dusting of cornstarch on your hand and cock gives a pretty unique and pleasurable experience. Just make sure everything is completely dry before you try it, though. It's also a great way to prolong the smooth/silky feel of the inserts for you fellow FleshLight Aficionados!

Tonight will be oil for my cock and lots of Vaseline for my acrylic vibe as I ride and thrust to an orgasmic frenzy while watching porn on a 110" screen!

Favorite lube

Postby OCpython » Sun Mar 18, 2007 9:51 pm

My favorite lube is liqiuid soap, especially any of the SoftSoap with Moisuturizing Beads, such as Pomegranate and Mango. This stuff creates a sensual slipperiness that in my opinion feels so much better than Astoglide or other sex lubes. Lathering myself up in the shower and slowly and gently teasing myself to an exquisite orgasm is the greatest feeling in the world.
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Postby circlecityfemme » Mon Mar 19, 2007 1:17 am

110" inches love? What is this, a theater?! :)
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Postby bananaboy » Mon Mar 19, 2007 7:34 am

Mineral oil (when not using the Fleshlight). It's really slick (check out my avatar :wink: ), but it's not that "fake" slick like I feel KY and Astroglide are -- it feels more like a woman's juices feel, IMO. And it doesn't dry out like those water-based lubes do. It's better than cooking oils because there's absolutely no smell. Better than Vaseline because it's not as thick. It doesn't need constant reapplication -- there have been times where I've gone the whole session without reapplying it at all. And since it's edible and completely tasteless and odorless, it's good for those who like to taste their precum. And, it's super inexpensive.

I seem to be the only one who ever talks about this stuff, and I'm surprised. (Go ahead Sam, make fun of me. :P )
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Postby toad » Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:10 pm

A suprisingly effective lubrication is milk (don't knock it till you try).

It is quite slick on it's own and even more so with added saliva. There is also something about dunking your penis into a cold glass of milk that is quite stimulating. And after all that you can drink the milk
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Postby Outsider » Thu Mar 22, 2007 4:59 am

I've never even considered milk. I guess it just didn't cross my mind since it doesn't seem slippery enough. I'll have to try it now, of course. :D

This post got me to thinking about other things I might find in the kitchen. I'm almost embarassed to ask this but has anyone tried peanut butter? :oops:
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Postby o247o » Thu Mar 22, 2007 5:42 am

This post got me to thinking about other things I might find in the kitchen. I'm almost embarassed to ask this but has anyone tried peanut butter? :oops:

I'm up for a "peanut-butter and hand-on-my-dick" sandwich...

Since a cold glass of milk has been mentioned already, how about a WARM glass of milk?
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Postby ilikeitalot » Thu Mar 22, 2007 7:59 am

Tonight will be oil for my cock and lots of Vaseline for my acrylic vibe as I ride and thrust to an orgasmic frenzy while watching porn on a 110" screen!

LT, sorry, got you beat with 118" here. Damn, he's on vacation now... so I don't gloat about being "bigger than him" lol. But I guess he has me beat, since I've never been brave enough to watch porn on mine. Well... other than a few tests to see how it looked. And I did watch one of my private "home movies" on it once. Boy, was my cock B-I-G!!! Now, my next objective is to get a hi-def camcorder so I can see my cock in even more detail lol. Wow, I'm getting way off-topic here. So....

Banana, mineral oil sounds like it has lots of good qualities. I never considered that... but I'll definitely give it a try. And um... I'm not even gonna comment on the mayonaise lol.


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