by VanillaDew » Fri Apr 06, 2007 2:03 pm
When I was a teenager living at home, I shared a bedroom with my grandmother (in her 70s at the time - this was during the 1970s). I didn't have a dildo (prob didn't know the word, either) or a real vibrator, but after I stole and read my mother's copy of "The Happy Hooker," I began borrowing my grandmother's massager (it wasn't a 'vibrator,' although it obviously vibrated - it was large and bulky and marketed for sore muscles) and used it from outside my clothes to give me orgasms. I didn't dare get naked because my grandmother could have come down the hall and caught me at any time - esp with my attention diverted like that - and even though we had doors, my parents didn't respect my privacy, so really even any of them could have surprised me.
At some point during that time of learning, I also learned to jill myself by hand - just rubbing the clit - so occasionally after my grandmother was asleep I'd do that silently to help myself go to sleep. All that started probably when I was 15-ish. I was a relatively naive country girl, but very horny.
I got married at 18 and never lived in a dorm. As an adult, although I bought a few dirty novels and magazines at convenience stores (and yes sometimes I did this alone and sometimes my husband would go get one), all of my toys I bought either through mail-order or later, thought the internet. I never sought out or happened upon any sex stores, and probably would have been too shy to go into one. After all, they have the sleezy and dangerous reputation, and that's just not at the top of my list.
So, as to why you don't see more women buying porn....I'd say because of several reasons, one of which is that sleeziness and danger. But another main reason is because it's much harder to find porn that women enjoy. It's simply not made or marketed as profusely as porn for men is - porn for men dominates the industry. Yes there is a difference.
Nowadays, women don't have to bother with the sleeziness, danger, or wading through shelves of male-oriented porn... she can simply get on the internet and see or buy whatever she wants from the privacy of her home. She doesn't have to be embarrassed about it because no one will know or question her.
(not that I think it's something she should be embarrassed by, but our much of our culture would still shame her for it. which is another reason you dont see women boldly strolling into sex shops and convenience stores and buying porn by the armload.)
Female/43, Married, Bisexual
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