Hmm... After checking out the 3rd and 4th pics of #4, I can tell you that she is lookin' pretty good...
#1 is cute and still up there for my choosing, but I would like to see a pic of her smiling. To me, she kinda looks depressed in her second pic... but if she is feelin' down, then I can be the one to pick her back up. (Cheesy, isn't it?)
WOW! All these girls are beautiful. I about dropped my teeth when I saw #3. My girl friend in high school could be a double for this one. What a sweet, beautiful face. Brings back lots of good memories when I remember what really wonderful things she did to and for me. I only dream of these things now with such a pretty girl as #3. As far as what I would like to do to her, I can only say that if you can imagine it, I would do it, which includes inserting my tongue as far up her pretty, sweet but as I could get it. Every inch of this girl is extremely sweet.