MI jackin wrote:last night for the first time i tried jacking off with some anal play. I just used some lube and a sharpie and it was the best orgasm of my life. It lasted longer, felt better, and wasa absolutly explosive. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions of some good beginner things i could try, maybe something i'd probably have around the house thats a little bigger (only a little bit), or just anything at all.
I'm really new to the forum, but I've been quite a bit of fun here today. I was going to leave a thread such as this on the "Techniques" page because I enjoy it so much. First -- d
o not misunderstand what I am suggesting here. I am not advocating scat or anything of the kind but anal play can be uniquely enjoyable for men and I am lately convinced that some women can enjoy it as well but for different reasons. In some ways there are similarities, the nerve endings in the anus are very sensitive and properly stimulated can be enjoyable for both sexes. For men, prostate stimulation can provide a unique pleasure. Pressure by pushing downward with an object from inside the anal canal can give guys a pleasurable if not slightly peculiar sensation. For me, using a toy in my hiney and applying pressure to the prostate creates a feeling of "bearing down" that is difficult to describe. It also can give one the feeling that something is flowing out of your penis -- that is not really there. If a doctor presses it hard enough in an exam, he can can get some clear fluid out of your penis. The prostate among other things is where the "clear" constituent of cum come from. But I am going to suggest something that most people may not understand and the sensation can be enjoyed but not for very long.
Coffee Klyster. In short, a coffee enema.
No, you can't use it hot -- that would be silly! Brew an organic (or even Folger's is said to be the cleanest commercial brand) to normal strength. Allow it to cool to about 105-110º. Even cooler if you like, but close to body temp.
I discovered this because my wife died from colon cancer. A doctor in NYC was using this among other non-traditional techniques (successfully) for treating cancer and advising that his patients take a daily coffee enema. A friend who's wife's survived breast cancer told me is wife continued to do a daily coffee enema as a part of her routine health regimen.
I began doing after her death for similar preventative reasons in colon health. Here's why: The caffeine in the coffee will stimulate the liver which will promote enhanced blood filtering for toxins in the body. There is a network of veins that run directly between the colon and the liver, which explains why if colon cancer goes undiagnosed, the liver is where it will also be found.
The sexual part (and health part). You'll have to find an enema bag to do this. Now stay with me here. I use the "douche tip" because it's rounded, softer, and more flexible. Use about 40-48 oz. of brewed coffee, (6-5 oz. cups in a coffee maker) an average 4 cup Pyrex measuring cup full. After the coffee is cool, lubricate you anus, and slowly insert the tip. Unhitch the restraining latch on the tube and let the coffee in. I hang my bag on the shower head, the higher the better.
Now...you will feel a curious "full" feeling if you've never done this before but you'll get the hang of it after just a few times. If you're unable to hold it in, consider a butt plug.
Now...put a towel on your bed and lie down. This will be a 15 minute application. 5 minutes on your RIGHT side, 5 minutes on your BACK, then 5 mins. on your LEFT side. The pressure against your anus can become an erotic sensation in itself. Strange but true. Work with it. It isn't as crazy as it may sound. This is when I warm up for masturbating. You'll already have Vaseline on your fingers from lubricating the opening of your anus. Get another small gob and masturbate while you're lying there...if nothing else, it'll give your something to do.
This can be a very erotic sensation, but you shouldn't leave the coffee inside for more than 20-25 minutes. Turning from side to side gives the coffee a chance to get to your ascending colon, transverse colon, and lastly while you're on your left side, the descending and sigmoid colon. You may feel the most internal pressure at this point. But work that anus. Flex it. It will become sexually stimulating.
After 15-20 mins, stand up, go to the toidy and evacuate your bowel. I find sitting directly on the porcelain cuts down on clean up and it will warm up quicker than you think. Take your time. It could take 5 minutes to empty your bowel completely. Just take it easy and twiddle your thumbs or even masturbate if you like. Then, you're done.
Now...you're clean on the inside. If you're going to play with sex toys in your hiney, the fecal matter will be out of your anus and this will avoid "fecal compaction" -- not good for you. Get your colon clean first, then play. If nothing else -- you're bathroom will smell like coffee.
There is something about the coffee, it's natural acid will balance the alkali state in your colon. It is very soothing!! It doesn't sting or burn or nothing. Better than water alone, better than water and epson salt.
Now. I know that's a lot to absorb. Google "Coffee Enema's" and see for yourself. It's good for you and it can be fun too.