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Sniffing sons girlfriends panties

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have you used sons girlfriends panties to mastubate

Poll ended at Sat Mar 17, 2007 11:41 am

Total votes : 46

Sniffing sons girlfriends panties

Postby jd-ross » Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:41 am

I have used my sons girlfriends panties to mastubate, put them over my head and smell her smell. Have also dowloaded porn pictures from the web and transposed her head on to the porn pictures, give me a great blowout, still have a pair of her panties hidden away when required and a store of the pictures in my computer for a slide show, great standby
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Re: Sniffing sons girlfriends panties

Postby suxxme » Tue Feb 20, 2007 2:34 am

jd-ross wrote:I have used my sons girlfriends panties to mastubate, put them over my head and smell her smell. Have also dowloaded porn pictures from the web and transposed her head on to the porn pictures, give me a great blowout, still have a pair of her panties hidden away when required and a store of the pictures in my computer for a slide show, great standby

Care to share the pics? :D
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Postby Outsider » Tue Feb 20, 2007 5:12 am

What age girl are you talking about here?
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Please consider

Postby Alan » Tue Feb 20, 2007 6:46 am

I am not into post bashing, but here is where I draw the line. I am new to this forum and I really enjoy it, so I hope this post dosn't get me banned from the group. I am more than willing to accept and even play into anyones' sexual fantasy or fetish (male, female, shemale, etc.), as long as it is harmless. As long as the sexual fantasy or fetish dosn't create a "victim", it is all good.

Your post about sniffing your son's girlfriend's panties really upsets me. Aside from the possibility that she is underage, you clearly have no respect for your son or for yourself. If you are unable to set sexual boundries in general, at a mimimum don't let your sexual satisfaction come at the expense of disrespecting and hurting your own children.

I ask that you try to focus on something other than your son's girlfriend.
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Postby Outsider » Tue Feb 20, 2007 1:24 pm

well said Alan
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Postby LoveThyself! » Tue Feb 20, 2007 1:50 pm

Agreed... aren't these things supposed to be moderated and administrated?

Postby circlecityfemme » Tue Feb 20, 2007 5:14 pm

I agree. As a person who would could be in the situation as the son's girlfriend, I would be completely offended and disgusted by this idea. I am sorry, but if this were to happen to me, I most definitely would not ignore it or let the person doing it get away with such things.
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Postby atybimf » Thu Feb 22, 2007 6:26 am

Yup, it worked pretty well for me
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Postby danielx » Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:19 pm

As long as the sexual fantasy or fetish dosn't create a "victim", it is all good.

As I see it, there is no victim here. Now if the son's girlfriend, or the son, were to find out, that would be different, but this would still not be the intention of the act.

I expect part of the excitement is the knowledge that it is 'naughty', like masturbating in public. This, as part of the sexual excitement, is perfectly normal.

I am assuming that the father, son and holy panties, along with the girlfriend are over 18 and over 21 in those regions where the code is more strict - to assume otherwise, without strong proof to the contrary, just makes life on this site difficult for everybody.
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Postby wetone » Thu Feb 22, 2007 6:29 pm

Whoa now' really who cares? there only pantys and as far as I know they don't have any feelings. And let's just think about this, if she is under age what the hell is her pantys laying around for? My sons are all over 20 yrs. old so when they come home they bring there lover with them. and yes my husband and I love to share there dirty pantys makes us hot. mmmm
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Re: Sniffing sons girlfriends panties

Postby bananaboy » Sat Feb 24, 2007 7:07 pm

I have used my sons girlfriends panties to mastubate, put them over my head and smell her smell. Have also dowloaded porn pictures from the web and transposed her head on to the porn pictures, give me a great blowout, still have a pair of her panties hidden away when required and a store of the pictures in my computer for a slide show, great standby

You actually took the time to take photos of your son's girlfriend and transpose her head over porn pics? While sniffing her panties? Seriously? You do that? Way to respect your son's boundaries there, pop. You need a different hobby. Model trains or gardening or something.
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Postby Niagra » Wed Feb 28, 2007 11:35 am

What is with these halls of MP lately. We are clearly under attack and that is that. Anyway, the post is moderated and it stays unsensored because there is no reason to take it out of here. (legally) . However come on its certainly more than panties for shit sakes. And IMO very disturbing to say the least.

I think Alans statement of sexual boundaries or lack there of is spot on and if your son finds out you are going to quickly learn you likely will have destroyed any chance at drawing boundaries with him again ... ever. The fact that you sat and used her head onto naked bodies while sniffing her panties will likely cause him to lose his friggen mind and Quite honestly knowing someone as disconnected with action and consequence raised him in the first place .. you'de be lucky to live through the discovery anyway. Does this make any sense to you yet?

Here's praying it does... One can only pray in a situation like this I'm afraid.

YOu show no respect for self or for your son whatsoever when you give into this monster living inside you. Let alone for the girl. Its not a healthy sexual fantasy and I think that is pretty much a now proven fact. Think about this a bit more if you can.

Postby Niagra » Wed Feb 28, 2007 11:39 am

In case some of you haven't seen the poll results you might want to see them.... They are mind blowing and very scary IMO.

Obviously not the same as 1/2 of yours though. Rut Roh Rorge.. Houston we have a problem!

Postby Grinch » Sat Jul 14, 2007 3:54 am

All I have to say (as a long time lurker of these boards, so I realize my post count is nil and my opinion isn't too important) but if I found my father doing this shit... well my dad has given me everything I have ever needed in my life, and he is one of my best friends, but if I ever caught him doing this the consequences would be dire, for both of us. You can rule out us ever speaking again. As a well rounded and level headed intelligent person, this is fucking disturbing to me.

I do hope that you stop doing this, delete the pictures, throw away or burn the panties, hell just put them back in the laundry and act like they were never missing but get AWAY FROM THEM.

You're playing with an explosion with one of your children. What would the consequences be if he found these pictures or caught you dick in hand with his girlfriend's dirty panties around your head? This possibility, no matter how remote should be enough to put you off this behavior.

(Way to resurrect a thread as one of my first posts. GO ME!)
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Postby Mani » Sat Jul 14, 2007 4:21 am

Well said, Nighthound, and welcome to the party!


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