LoveThyself!:Guess some of the girls will have to chime in and give us their take on all of this.
Funny, it doesn't look like you need any chiming in, you already said it all!
But as this might just be one of my favorite subjects, I'm going to do so anyway

No, a toy is not a cock, haha. Btw, even though a cock has a lot more 'give' to it, and the head is softer at the back of the throat like you said, I don't think that makes the gag reflex any less in the beginning.
Practice does, so there's hope for everyone!! lol.
Think of it this way, that gag reflex is there to protect you, it serves a purpose...just not in this case.
Luckily it's a reflex you can have control LT said, mind over matter!
And well worth it I might add!
it's a whole lot more fun to have someONE in your mouth rather than someTHING.