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Cock and Ball bondage to masturbation

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Postby Outsider » Thu Mar 29, 2007 4:35 am

I bought a third steel ring today. I'm getting addicted to these things! :D
I stepped down one size and love it. :) I had to work a bit to get the package through the ring but it was well worth it. For a while at work today I wore all three rings. It was great! I love feeling the weight hanging on my package and making it swing back and forth as I walked. It felt wonderful. Next I'm going to try to get one for under my head and the base of my shaft when I'm hard and stroking.
42, male, married, horny

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Postby Outsider » Thu Mar 29, 2007 4:50 am

Has anybody tried "The Gates of Hell" ??
It looks pretty nice but I don't know how it would be for stroking.

42, male, married, horny

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Postby LoveThyself! » Wed Apr 11, 2007 4:04 pm

Ok, so here is the down and dirty on the products. The ring that I got is VERY HEAVY... and VERY WIDE. I didn't stick it on a scale, but it's got to be around half a pound. They don't put up pictures of the ring on a model or anything, so you have no real idea what you are getting, so I'll upload some of my own and add them to this post later this week. What they don't tell you on the site about measuring is that you need to tug the string TIGHT (basically how you want it to feel when you are erect and inside it) so my measurements always came up to convert to diameters far beyond their largest size. I tried repeatedly to contact the company both before I made the purchase (to discuss proper sizing) and after I've spent well over $150 with them, but they REFUSE to respond to emails and there is no phone number to contact them. THERE IS NO CUSTOMER SUPPORT AT THIS SITE, SO BUYER BEWARE!!!

All that said, I could probably gone with the next size down (a 2 inch diameter), but I still get a nice feel with it, especially when I'm really aroused and swollen. Sex with it is amazing, because (as you'll see in the pics) her clitoris rubs right against the edge of the ring when I'm fully penetrated. I'm not sure we'd get that with any of the other rings, because none of them are anywhere near as wide. The Fury is effectively a double ring.

The weights.... now here's some disappointment. I went for the 24. oz (which is half again as heavy as the ring itself, at least) and I got the largest inside diameter (1.5 inches). The weight is in two halves, basically, which you have to fit together (without pinching any flesh) and then screw a bolt in one side to hold it in place. NOT a great design to do solo. Also, the weight itself is so tall that I can't get my testicles/scrotum tugged down far enough to fit either half around and piece them together - you have to allow some room for you fingers to work the flesh and move your 'junk' around, and for me, it's just not there. So I thought I'd talk to them and see if I got the smallest weight (16 oz) and wear that to put a pre-stretch on the boys and maybe then be able to follow up with the bigger one. Guess what they said?

NOTHING! Why? BECAUSE THERE IS NO CUSTOMER SUPPORT AT THIS SITE! I even told them that I was writing a much-anticipated review of their products at several sites and to please respond to me in some fashion so that I could remark favorably about their customer service. All for naught. And my first correspondence with them (the day I joined their email list and posted my first question) was late March, so they've had well over two weeks to get back to me.

Gorgeous product in the cockrings, but poor design on the ball weights and absolutely ZERO service, so I can't recommend you try them at all, especially at their prices, which are very steep. I'll look around and see if I can find another company who makes a similar product and actually takes an interest in their customers.

I did, however, get a leather 'splitter' ring/ball strap and that's kind of fun. Be careful when closing the snaps (ouch)! Pics to follow.

Postby LoveThyself! » Tue Apr 17, 2007 4:17 pm

Ok, so some things have happened recently and I need to edit my statement above, though I don't want folks to lose the track record, so I'm posting the changes as an update.

After much trying and a particularly warm/drunk/post-orgasmic evening, I attempted the weight again with some success. I was finally able to fit both halves together around my scrotum and get it snugly secured. When I stood up, the weight was significant but pleasurable. However, when I took a step, the pain was excruciating (you guys who have been hit or kicked there know what I mean). I thought maybe I just stepped wrong, but I moved around the house (carpeted/marble/hardwood floors) and it made no difference - I had to give the boys some support because the weight was just too intense. Again, this is the 24 oz. model, which is 1.5 lbs.

I thought I'd been had! First by the difficulty in getting it on in the first place, and second by the unpleasant feeling once they were finally on. Even the success of getting them on couldn't squelch the pain. So off they came, cleaned up and repackaged for return, assuming the company EVER got back in touch with me.

Next day, they did. They were very polite, though not apologetic for the delay, and informed me I could do an exchange for the same style but different size if I paid to ship it back as well as include a $15 'restocking' fee to cover the expense of them shipping a new size back. A little steep, since it costs less than $5 including the box to ship, but whatever - it's cheaper than buying another item.

So around comes this past weekend and my wife and I are doing a ton of yardwork. On a whim, I decide to give the weights another try, but to wear underwear over them to keep gravity in check. Now that I'd figured out how best to fit them on, they went on relatively quickly and (after also inserting one of my Aneros massagers!) I put on some snug boxer briefs (think Draven's pic!) and things went much better. I wore this whole setup under jeans for two hours, walking the entire lawn twice as I spread fertilizer, and other than having to pause to make an adjustment now and then (which is normal anyway, albeit more unconscious) never had any pain or problems as all. In fact, it was rather nice having that extra weight tugging at me with each step.

The day started to heat up, so I decided to go take off the jeans and trade them for some loose-fitting athletic shorts and while I was at it, removed the undies, too. Figured I'd go all out. It was amazing! Every step I could feel the package slapping against a thigh, and the swinging of it all was mildly erotic, keeping my cock semi erect for the next two hours. My wife made several comments as to how things were looking beneath the shiny black shorts (the outline of my cock and even the veins very visible as it was draped over the much larger swell of my balls in the weight) but she had no idea what all was under there. I smiled at my little secret, but made sure she always had a great view.

We went to work out after the lawn was all done, and I was tempted to go as I was, but I didn't want to draw any undue attention, first of all, plus I figured 4 hours with 1.5 lbs of stainless steel hanging from around my boys was long enough, so I removed them (and the Helix) and we went to work out. But you should have seen my cock and balls for the rest of the day... if anyone has ever seen Manny's pic in the chat room, I looked like that. Everything was full and thick and hanging like a freaking horse... I attracted attention anyway! (conveniently forgot to put on undies)

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I've worn it twice since, last night on cam in the chat room, and each time gets a little better. Can't wait to have sex while wearing them (we were both pretty worn out by that night, so nothing happened in the bedroom) as I know the weight around my balls will slap and smack heavily against her clit when going at it doggie-style.

As far as the ring, I'm sending that back and dropping a quarter inch in size. I could probably go with the 2", but I just ordered two new cockrings of different styles in that diameter, and because the Fury is so wide, I'd like it to be just a bit more snug for that extra sensation. I'll keep you posted as to the efficiency of the return process, but overall, I have to say that the experience with the company and products has now been an overall good one. Maybe the delay in correspondence was a fluke. We've exchanged half a dozen emails in the past week and they've been very timely once they finally got in touch with me.

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Do a search in google for metal cockrings. You'll find plenty of sites to choose from. I discovered a teardrop cockring when I did this and ordered it, but the site I ordered from has it on backorder (which they didn't tell me about until AFTER I paid for and ordered it) so no telling when I'll get it. I also got a triple ring, basically three rings welded together in a triangle shape, one which goes around cock and balls, one around just the balls and the last one around just the cock. Looks fun. I'll let y'all know.

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P.S. You guys might take a peek at if you are interested in some of these types of 'toys'
Last edited by LoveThyself! on Sat Jul 07, 2007 12:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Postby LoveThyself! » Mon May 07, 2007 3:39 pm

I edited the post above to include pics of those toys, and there are full reviews/commentaries in the threads 'Male Anal Play' and 'Ball Weights' both of which are here in the Techniques section. I'm adding the four pics I've recently taken of my newest cockring, a metal teardrop-shaped one. It's very versatile and comfortable. While the pics don't show this, when I've been going for a bit and am aroused, it makes me slightly larger and all the veins are engorged, so there is more 'texture' to my cock. Also, by being more full and stretched, it is also more sensitive. I'll talk about each of the four ways to wear this ring.

1. Worn this way, the tip presses against the perineum in a spot halfway between the balls and the anus, which just so happens to be an acupuncture/acupressure point to increase desire and intensify sex drive and orgasm. It provides the constriction around the cock, so I get full, but there's nothing in the way of a nice, full stroke. Plus, since the balls are perched over the edge of the ring, you can pass your grip down over them on the downstroke a bit easier.

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2. Twist it pointing upwards and you just found the code to enter the Secret Society of Nudist Trekies! Mmmm.. Deana Troy. LOL, actually, the thing I like about wearing it this way is that you can see her lips and clit reflecting on the surface as she rides me. Plus, it gives her something to grind that clit against, and when she grinds, we're both happy!

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3. Flip the whole thing around (you have to be soft to get this on and off) and you have this style. This is my favorite. Not only does it look cool, but it does two things... if I'm masturbating and lying on my back, the little cup under the balls allows lube to pool there rather than trickling down my thighs and ass and ending up soaked into the towel. So I can dip my fingers in the little bowl and genuflect... er... continue masturbating. Secondly, DOGGIE STYLE! Not only are my balls pressed to her labia, and my cock stretching that tight little pussy apart, the tip of the ring bumps against her clit as I bottom out inside, giving her a nice little massage as we hit it.

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4. And lastly, this one. This pic was taken post-orgasm, so I'm sorry the little guy is pulling back under his shell (Tortuca!) but the idea here is purely for sex. Can't really get a good grip on yourself for masturbation this way, but with man-on-top positions, the tip splits and spreads her lips, plus it glides over her clit. This one is all about her. Which is good enough for me!

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Last edited by LoveThyself! on Sat Jul 07, 2007 12:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Postby guinner » Tue May 08, 2007 10:47 am

That teardrop ring looks great!

And thanks for the descriptions of the different styles. To be honest, just based on the photo's, my guess would've been that the first one would be the most pleasurable for yourself (nice ring fit, and a little perineum action to boot, haha), so that was quite illuminating.
And it's fun to hear which "style" you like the best, cause damn, I would love to try out the 3rd style, lol

oh, what am I talking about, I should do research on all of the styles...fuck in the name of science, right?! :D
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Postby dicklion » Tue May 08, 2007 3:02 pm

I have tied my balls nd hung a weight on them while jacking- painful but pwoerful orgasm

Also have put HEET on my balls while out and walked around in pain for an hour and then jacked in the car- unbeleivable pleasure and then went home and washed my balls and soaked them in a bowl of full fat milk- AHHH!

Learned this whne a Dmme did to me a few years before...

Have used Tight cock ring to edge and extend sessions for 3 or more hours as well
masturbate 1-3 times a day ( occasionally I will do it 5+ times)
Have relationships and have regualr frequent sex and this makes me jackoff more.
write to : [email protected]
Love to jackoff in front of a group of ladies, outside anywhere
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Postby Outsider » Tue May 08, 2007 11:27 pm




These 2 are great pictures.
42, male, married, horny

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Postby weiner75 » Tue May 08, 2007 11:29 pm

Awesome topic I like to use rubber cock and ball rings myself......
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Postby Weird Al » Fri Aug 31, 2007 10:01 pm

I first started using cord or really nice soft rope to tie the package. Alway on the look out for cock and especially ball rings I like to improvise. Brocolli bands, O rings from the hardware store are available in all sorts of thickness and IDs.
You can start to stack them up to stetch out you sac nicely. Found a napkin ring that looks very upscale. Something to wear when friends come to jack and jill. Got all the way up to using 7 rings. One around to Cock and ball and the other 6 just around the balls. Love the boys sway in the breese.
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Postby rwo13 » Tue Sep 25, 2007 3:00 pm

Ive wrapped a shoe string around my cock and balls, then up around the cock, bring it down so it seperates my balls. Then I will either stroke till i cum. Or at times ive lightly rubbed and spanked my balls and blow a load without even touching my dick.
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